Staff Application
Staff Application for HarmonyCon 2025

Personal Information


Contact Information

(You may unsubscribe at any time.)

Staff Information

Age Verification

Will you be 18 or older by February 2025?

Discord ID

This is the primary means of communication for HarmonyCon Volunteers

Other or alternate

Please provide what alternative roles you would be willing to volunteer for if not selected for your preffered role:

Other Explanation

If there is a specific role your are applying for, or if you would like to volunteer for a position that is not listed, please explain:

Previous volunteer experience:

If none, put "N/A".

Other convention roles:

If you intend to take part in any other roles at HarmonyCon 2025 such as: Vendor, Panelist, Musician, Community Guest, or anything else that will take up a considereable amount of your time during the con, please explain:

Tell us

If you would like, tell us a bit about why you would like to volunteer with HarmonyCon and/or anything you would like us to know about you.

Volunteer Room Block?

We have a limited amount of rooms discounted to $159/night + Taxes and Fees which will be resctricted to volunteers only. All rooms are double Queen and will house up to four volunteers. A sign-up sheet along with additional information will be made available to volunteers at a later date. Your answer to this question is just to assist us in planning. Are you interested in a space on the HarmonyCon Volunteer Room Block?

Volunteer Agreement

Please fully read the Volunteer Agreement linked below.
By applying for HarmonyCon staff and accepting a staff badge, you agree that you have read all of the above information and agree upon approval of your application, to the policies, waivers, and indemnity herein.

Please Read:

Volunteer Agreement

Emergency Contact Information